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Wednesday, August 30
8/30/2006 03:54:00 PM
finally.. today's e day.. had a long sleep.. frm 3am to 2pm.. hahaha.. sooooooo refreshing.. :)

ytd was a fruitful day.. went to make my specs in e afternoon (so exp.. for 2yrs i'll not change specs.. take gd care of tis pair :p), spent time w steph n had dinner den she showed me smth abt elijah n elisha (2 king 2:1-14).. so convicted.. i havent been a gd elijah 4 my elisha to follow.. got to repent.. gotta b watchful on my behaviour, things that i do.. coz for her as a young x'tian, she observes n absorbs v fast n everyth..

as much as i juz gotta please god, but i gotta shine for god too.. shining for god = setting an eg for his ppl to follow juz like a prophet.. so that when others see me, it'll remind dem n show dem wat jesus is like.. thanks steph for e reminder.. :)

after dat we went for evangelism den met a v open gal.. oni 18, came to s'pore to take 'O' levels.. plan to study nursing too.. hee.. she's v open, agreed to meet up for dinner on thur n come for bibletalk after dat too.. v encouraging..

had wei ting's follow up study at julie's hse after dat.. julie did a lesson on temptations of a disciple.. (matt 4:1-11) satan noes wat's our weakest area n will tempt us in dat..
satan even dare to tempt jesus, wat's more for human like us who has a sinful nature?

i think many a times when i'm weak esp during e first 6mths of my x'tian life, i faced a challenge in life n satan was dere tempting me in my weakest area so strongly.. there were times where i'm tempted not to go to church becoz of finances, tpt n food is quite high.. there were oso times where i'm tempted to not go for church becoz i wan to haf personal time, indulge in my own hobbies (watching tv, slacking at hm, sleeping).. all these r physical temptations..

there were times where i'm w emotions too.. thinking that god doesn't love me, frm what he planned for me, it shows he doesn't love me, it shows that he juz wan to torture me.. all these tempted me to haf no faith in god..

recently i feel dat i'm distracted by so many things outside church.. i'm very/too involved in my fren's shop, my ndp trainings n relationship w sj frenz.. i think it's ok to build friendship w dem, ultimately is to help dem.. but e main thing i think is to strike a balance b/w both sides..
~wHat cAn ReLy oN n tmEs of tEmPtatoNs~
why is there temptations?
1 peter 5:8 = satan wants us to be on his side not god's side, wants us to leave god

why god allows temptations?
1 peter 1:6-7 = to purify us
james 1:2-4 = to mould our character
v 13-15 = god doesnt tempt us, it's our evil desire we'r tempted to
romans 12:21 = temptations will always be dere, it's how we react n handle it
how to overcome it?
matt 4:4, 7, 10 ("for it's written")
= using e word of god practically
at every stage of our life, we'r tempted by different things, different from e temptations faced earlier on.. juz haf to learn n rely on god, to move on, alwasys trusting in him who noes best..

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Tuesday, August 29
8/29/2006 05:15:00 AM
gosh.. e long awaited tioman trip is cancelled.. dun wan to blame anyone.. it's no one's fault.. juz god's plan i tink.. today morning my phone's flooded w sms.. all on tis wk's schedule n changes.. so confusing n kinda irritating to a certain extend.. *take a deep breath*

thou i'm not able to go tioman, i'm still packed n it's my holidays... tml, gg to get my new phone followed by rest (i tink i'll b spending time charging my phone n exploring it.. 1st time using sony ecricssion) den spending time w steph at 6.30pm, followed by evangelism at 8pm den 9pm wei ting's follow-up study.. d-grp after dat.. man.. isn't my night packed? haha.. tis is my every wk's tue's schedule.. w/o fail.. :P

i'll be most prob finding time to study 4 e quiz 4 e deep-teaching series n do my proj.. haven done anyth since fri.. den at nite gg mid wk.. hmm.. ok la, still relax.. hee..
i'll be having bible talk at julie's hse at nite..
there's meeting at ching eu's hse, she's gonna teach how to do 'seeking god' study w ppl.. 2.30pm-4.30pm.. den i'll b meeting zara.. she's gonna help me w my fyp.. com idiot, dunno how to do newsletter.. stupid.. (maybe celebrating ching eu's b'day too)

sat; [e day]
hai.. another packed day..
2pm dere's jennifer's restoration study at julie's place till (hopefully) 4pm, latest 4.30pm.. rush to meet zara n company.. she planned a gathering 4 e ndp marshallers, us n e 3 cadets.. hai.. promised to haf dinner w her no matter wat!!
[dun wan to be a person who say but nv do.. yes i'll rush down no matter how late or how tired i'm.. no worries]

- i feel dat recently i'm so distracted by things outside.. even steph says so.. frankly speaking, i'm so tempted to not go 4 jennifer's study coz 1) e gathering was planned first, 2) dun wanna miss e rare chance of everyone spending time tog.. everyone's life is so diff.. hard to get a time where everyone can make it..

lookin at how sam=bro put god first in daily life (guess he recently learnt n got it back :p), motivates me to REMEMBER how impt it is n how naturally it shld be coming frm me.. to put god first.. those reasons dat i tot of r all EXCUSES!! i gotta learn to put my priorities right again..

i tink it all goes down to how close is my relationship w god recently? how serious n impt am i taking tis relationship? is my walk w him gd n close? is he in e pic always? how often do i tink of him?

gosh.. ans to all e above qns r.. BAD, LIGHTLT, NO, NO, RARELY..
this is SO SO SO SO SO SO bad for my spiritual life..
samantha see.. muz repent! tml morning after i get my new phone, once hm, QT first than any others..!!!!!! god, pls bless me w e strength to do it.. 1st step is always diff.. help me.. i dun wan to drift away frm u juz like dat.. after wrking so hard e past 1yr..
also, pls i pray 4 u to help me w my patience towards my family.. my mum esp.. been talking nastily to her, not showing her respect, short tempered towards her..

i dunno how to love her like i use to again.. god, i noe it's my pride, self pity n self righteousness dat's playing e angel n demon war..

i haf e mindset that i'm always right, e most pitiful at hm.. when she's no better off than me.. thou i've been helping out at hm eversince my first job after e Os, sacrificing (not alot la..) on n off for my sis, bro n mum, that doesnt gif me e right to do so god..

god i juz wan to pray to u.. pray dat u'll help me god.. i dunno how but pls juz help me god.. hope dat my QT w u tml rather later on will be great n my spending time w felicia on mon (hee.. my BIRTHDAY!! hahahahaha..) will b great god..
thou i missed gg to e beach w zara n e rest on sat, god thank you for blessing me w felicia who's always dere 4 me to lean on, rely on n find comfort n support frm god.. she's always speaking e truth in love n she's juz such a joy to me.. thou she's on 18 but she has e maturity n i feel she's juz so awesome.. always speaking e truth using ur words to remind me to do wat i'm suppose to do as a christian..

god, i juz wan to shine 4 u..
everywhere.. sch, frenz, home..

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Thursday, August 24
8/24/2006 05:50:00 PM
yea.. spent time w one of my dearest today, felicia..

again, i skipped my last lecture which is 4pm-5pm n b4 dat dere's 2hrs of break.. felt dat it's a waste of time slacking ard in sch 4 2hrs n if i meet her at 5pm, i wont b able to spend QUALITY time w her..

however, i nv regret my decision.. we really had a Great time together (as usual) talking our hearts out, being vulnerable in front of each other.. w felicia, i do not need to put on a strong front.. i can let my hairs down, let my feelings out comfortably..
we went to bugis, shopped ard den after dinner we walked over to city hall to get my slippers.. haha.. bought quite a no. of things today..

bought a pair of slippers, new specs [been always wanting.. yea.. so HAPPY dat i Finally got it ;)], 1 1/2 pair of earrings n a new note book for writing notes for sun svcs, mid wk svcs n wei ting's follow up studies too.. hmm.. y 1 1/2 pair of earrings? coz one pair + one side of a pair lo.. hahahaha.. e other half of a pair i w felicia.. :p

went out w bro n zara today.. objective = help bro to get a jacket..
haha.. at first it was awkward, it's so diff.. our v first impression is each other in uniform, even zara say she felt abit uneasy.. haha *dun mind ar.. :p*

bro juz look so diff in e army uniform n in civilian's clothing.. but hey hey, u'r a civilian le.. ;)

ever been a walking model for a day? haha i did.. thou i'm abit bigger size than her..

after walking e whole day looking, searching for jackets (get e best we can find).. e 3 of us went to e "park" at marina square n we ate my fav ice cream - 95% fat free ; VENEZIA.. haha.. kena suan, dey say thou it's 95% fat free, we'll still become fat juz at a slower rate.. :p
each one of us chose a flavour, bro = dark choc, zara = cookies 'n' cream, me = lemon.. haha.. e dark choc was rich but seems not as rich as gelare's choc overload (bro's fav)..

aniwae, we ended up chatting after e ice cream.. got stuck to e chair, so comfortable sitting in e "park" n talking.. as usual, zara n i went crazy, high.. laugh n laugh non stop.. haha.. we were saying bro next time wont go out w us alr; scared of e 2 of us.. first time go out tog n we'r so "crazy" haha..

after dat rushed to hq, zara took her bike dat she bought frm national camp.. den i rushed to tampinesss to meet steph n wei ting to go 4 our N.W's mini retreat.. haha.. recently i'm so tired.. i kept dozing off.. after dinner, we went to a pub n drank a lil n celebrated han chong n michael's b'day.. hee.. as usual.. lil gal oni noe how to drink hooch.. haha.. alcoholic but cant taste it, oni can taste e sweetness of blackcurrant.. haha.. so funny, steph n fang jing still ask if i'm of age.. haha.. yea.. dat's being e lil gal in N.W.. youngest lo.. :p

went back to e chalet n watch movie.. to watch e show "eight below", i tahan until 2+am n finish oni at 4am.. b4 dat dey were showing "joseph's (frm e bible) life in cartoon form.. basically it's gen 37 onwards.. after i finish watching "eight below", i knocked off even thou i was slping on e floor n it was SUPER SUPER SUPER COLD... haha.. slept all e way to 10.30am.. fang jing, jerry n deon went for e run; i couldnt wake up.. so sad.. missed e opportunity to run e route dat jerry explored.. he claime e route as "jerry's trail".. haha.. heard frm deon, dere's a V V big empty space, nice scenery by e beach.. :(

steph bought breakfast for me.. on n off many ppl woke me up, but my eyes juz couldn't open..
it took me abt 2 1/2 hrs to finish my "brunch".. got interrrupted.. while i'm eating half way, jerry says dat do QT better than watching tv, when we can watch tv at hm.. since all r here, do QT tog better which is 100% true.. so did QT den had prayer in small grp.. den steph left.. e rest of us continued singing, having our mini im-promptu afternoon devo.. we nearly sang e whole song book.. taught zach n wei ting my kids' kingdom songs.. haha.. coz dey didn't grow up in e church nor as w a x'tian background.. so i taught dem e songs n actions how kids will express e song.. haha.. so much fun, juz like gg back to my childhood days.. hee..

left e chalet at 3pm w han chong n wei ting.. den i realised dat i'm wrking at 4pm, not 5pm.. so overwhelmed.. i was wearing neither white top nor shoes.. gosh...
called jx, ask him how.. end up i couldn't get my mum to get shirt for me to change too.. she was rushing off to wrk by e time she called me.. end up, i went to jx's place in slippers n blue top.. gd ting i didnt go hm after sch on thur, so i've my jeans.. haha..

finished wrk feeling v v tired.. saw zara's missed call.. called her back.. *boom* she gave me a surprise.. dose 3 cadets of ours r actually still in contact w ppl we didnt expect dem to be in contact w.. aniwae zara surprised me not w e confirmation of gathering tis wkend, but for e v fact dat mel n han chong n roy r joining us.. gosh.. actually feel like it's been a long long time we'r talking, recalling abt NDP n i tink it's definitely gonna b V V gd memory in our lives, but i tink we shld move on either to build friendship b/w each other or juz forget abt dem n juz continue to lead life normally..

once again, i struggled to wake up in e morning.. i tink i really haf slp disorder.. when it's time to wake up, i slp.. when it's time to slp, (like now.. hee..) i'm awake.. gosh.. got no choice but to take cab down to church.. hai..

immediately after svc, i was doing my hope world wide flag day stuff.. felicia came to pop by n b4 i say anyth i juz hugged her n breakdown.. gosh... totally couldn't control myself.. i was in e straitshall w so many ppl ard me.. ppl like shaun suddenly came to say 'hi' too n he saw e crying.. den he asked who bullyed me? i still can joke saying 'u la..' haha.. nah.. i tink i'm over over over stretched recently.. probably e past few months.. eversince i start yr 3.. stress n worried over my present n future.. keep tinking thou i'm v tired, feeling so stretched; but i should juz tahan n enjoy wat i can coz next yr i would b able to b leading a life i'm leading now.. = free n easy.. go out as n when i wan, do watever i wan anytime n anyday..
when i start wrk next yr, i'll b having a shift wrk lifestyle.. oni time i've to b out w ppl is on days when i'm on morning or off.. i cant b out when i'm on afternoon shift, no one can meet me n of coz when i'm on nite, when it's time 4 dinner or drink or entertainment i gotta go. rush to wrk.. *sigh*.. worried that i'll haf difficulty meeting up w x'tians; spending time w my frenz in church n outside church like sj frenz, sec sch frenz.. oso discipling time.. worried dat i'll not haf enuf faith n convictions dat's strong n deep enuf to pull me thru e 3 yrs..

suddenly i realised, i'm worrying.. that's a sin.. gosh.. dat shouldn't be e way.. i should juz leave it to god to plan my future.. he has e best plan for my future..

romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose".

*repent, repent*

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8/24/2006 01:14:00 AM
sooooooooooooooo disappointing...

had 1) mid wk n 2) spent time w marilyn (watched e movie "Click") today, as part of e deep teaching series as usual, quiz....

1) e lesson,

i was quite confident n lookin 4wd to it coz last wk i had 5/7, prev wk i had oni 1/7.. repented + chapter2 is a topic i'm interested in.. laws n decrees - god noes better.
it's all abt health..
eg: - laws concerning leprosy = it's actually stated in e bible dat ppl w infection remains unclean = muz quarantine.. [leviticus 13:46]

- laws against touching e dead = after touching e dead or anyth dat has germs muz wash hands [ numbers 19:11-13, 19:17-19]

- laws commanding sanitation = muz haf specific place to relieve ourselves [ deut 23:12-13]

- laws to circumcise, the miracle 8th day = muz to cirumcise coz chances of getting urinary tract infection is 10X more n chances of getting AIDS is 8X more; oso tis muz b done on e 8th day of e new born coz new borns nd vit K for clotting factor in e bld.. n on e 8th day, e prothrombin level is e highest.. [gen17:12]

- laws against sexual immorality = juz 1 century ago (100yrs ago), 97.5% of brides n grooms had their first encounter during e 1st nite of marriage.. (Klassen, Williams, Levitt et al., 1989) [ hebrews 13:4] ;
if a man is burning w passion, he shld marry [1 Cor 7:9]

n many many more like laws against worrying [ matt6:25-34], even to anger [prov 29:11]; our anger most of e time is actually due to our EGO; when we'r tired, we tend to stop thinking n analysing.. [romans 12:3]..

so amazing at how relatable e bible is, n once again deepen my conviction on god's e maker of e world n it's literally e world = all mankind, man's brain, technology, germs, hygiene..

i could even memorise all e 3 memory scriptures [ deut 10:12-13, hebrews13:4, psalms 34:18].. i was encourged by my results last wk.. but to my surprise, i oni got 3/7.. so sad.. partly coz i couldnt understand wat e qn was asking, another reason is becoz i didnt study wat was asked..

wat was asked was deeper n more detail than wat i studied.. did i take e deep teaching series, god's words too lightly? i tink i did.. coz abt half of wat was asked was actually frm e New Testament which is e homework = quiet time series for e wk.. which i haven been doin consistently..

dat's so bad.. my relationship w god is kinda affected i tink, esp recently i started helping out at my fren's shop.. more n more projs.. i started to lose focus on him.. which is VERY VERY bad.. i noe it but i'm not doing anyth abt it.. leaving it getting worse, drifting further n further away frm him..

so selfish of me.. for all dat he has done, was juz to 've a relationship w us; to teach, rebuke, correct n train us to be a better person.. [2Tim 3:16] he set exact commands, standards for us in e bible.. all we need to do is to follow..
thou i struggled alot during e 1st n 3rd (today's lesson) chapter, one thing i managed to understand frm today's lesson is dat he wants to see unquestionable obedience..

gosh.. watelse can i say, we'r all sinners.. [romans 5:8], tis is smth we cant change, we'r one everyday except e fact dat when we accepted god n putting him first in in our life = getting baptized, our sins r all washed away BUT dat doesnt mean dat we dun nd repentance..

e very fact dat we'r aware of repentance, cant say "no" to it for we noe e consequences; sin seperates us frm god.. oso dat goes to show dat i'm taking god for granted..

i tink i really gotta start repenting.. god bless me w ur wisdom n strength.. repentance brings time of refreshing.. [acts 3:19]


2) oh ya.. abt e movie "Click"..
gosh.. it's such a nice movie.. movie w climax n really caught me off guard..

thou it's juz a movie, hey hey..
god's in e pic too..

lookin at how Adam Sandler neglect his family to wrk n earn more money; resort to doing things e easy way out caused him to missed every impt detail in his life..

one of which moved me was e part where he realised dat oni he's grown 10 or 20 yrs older, he missed his father's death.. w e "UNIVERSAL REMOTE CONTROL" he has, he went back to e last time he met his dad.. lookin at how he IGNORE his dad n son, makes me think of my relationship w my dad..

frm dat part where he ignored his dad n hurt his dad by telling him dat he actually knew his "magic" trick all e yrs n his dad still tell him to take care n he loves him, i start crying non stop till e end..


*cry* *cry* *cry* *cry* *cry* *cry*

haha marilyn oso cried!!! haha..

e scene where adam sandler bought a "female" dog for his pet dog, was so touching.. he was so determine to put family first, change his mistakes n priorities in life.. he nv forget abt getting a partner for e dog too.. BUT who noes, e dog he bought was another male dog too.. i tink e funny part abt tis scene is matching a bull dog w a i tink labrador.. hahahahahaha..

i'm gonna watch it again when e dvd is out.. can watch w felicia.. poor thing.. cant watch it coz tml still got last paper n today's e last day e movie is screening.. hee.. no worries ok.. i'll watch w u one.. ;)

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Friday, August 18
8/18/2006 03:46:00 PM
first n foremost, muz gif credits to 2 very impt ppl, dey've helped made tis blog possible (for a com idiot like me ;p) AND
they rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ** felicia yap** n **siti Zaharah**

felicia; thanks for helping me get e blog started! ;)
zara; thanks for helping me get my FAV blogskin = tarepanda :D (green is oso nice but blue will be perfect) n oso helping me link up to ur blog, bro's blog, even add in websites like blogskin, lisa explains all etc. (thou i've yet to understand wat all dose websites means :p) u even added music for me.. gosh.. wat can i say? haha.. yea we'll hold on together ya;-)

hmm.. where shall i start? hmm.. ok.. let's start frm ndp.
"this is my home
she's everything to me
grace n beauty
in all that u see
my island home
wherever i may be
i never will forget her
nor will she forget me
and i will sing
a song of home
a land of peace
where dreams r born everyday
my home
wherever i may be
i believe
you will always be a part of me
my island home
home of my family
this is my future
where i wan to be"
- kiara gong
juz ended my 2mths of "intensive" sats.. haha most of e time it's struggling to wake up so early on a sat.. haha but it's really a once in a life time experience i'll nv forget n it'll always b in my memories..
SJAB NDP Contingent '06

in e 2mths, zara, lina, limei n myself spent almost every sat together at khatib army campsite, kallang stadium n indoor stadium. we had fun, joy, anger, embarrassment n faced challenges together.

buddies: Lina, Me, Limei, Zara(e one "below" me :p)

more of us together :D

training n training n training..

Free Time~~

see e guy in e red circle? he brought tis "xi shua shua,
xi shua shua" cheer all e way to National Camp.. gosh.. tis is
done during most of e free time..
(p.s national camp is immediately after
national day - blog abt it another day)

look at tok cheng yi (in short = tok), grumbling n
sulking abt e food.. be grateful
u'r fed.. :p

zara's "dong" lei.. haha
("dong" lei = tong lei = same kind :p)

zara looking so depressed..
*kena left out*
hahaha.. someone quick! call IMH~

our dear bro sam [eh! same pet name as me :) ]
with his belated b'day presentSSS..
(5 ice cream frm zara, lina, limei, tian le
n me.. haha.. )

wat happens when everyone's so tired..?
(continue looking ;p)
p.s the box of cookies i'm holding is baked by lina.. yummy yum yum ;P

Lina n I wif e balloons borrowed frm e cadets..
(gosh.. cant believe i did tis :-/ looks so stupid)
p.s did tis when zara's talkin to e cadets [debrief], we'r behind e contingent.. haha..

poor zara, so tired after a day of lameness, jokes n craps

another day of training :D

it's really a gd opportunity to get to noe each other better.. we wrk together as a team to get e cadets moving, responding n behaving up to our stds.. i feel dat i got e hang of wrking w dem, noe their style of doing things n most imptly -- i learnt how to lead. hee.
we oso spent our spare time fruitfully. dere were times where lina, limei n myself study while zara was left alone feeling bored.. haha. BUt most of e time we joke n lame e whole afternoon. gosh.. those frenz who r not in sj will nv believe dat i can be so lame n so crazy..

haha we got to make new frenz who we had a gd time wrking w, samuel n roy n sgt toh. haha. recall back how we all start talking to each other, i tink was oni when we were at kallang stadium. haha once zara was calling for me frm my back, n behind her was samuel. guess wat? "sam sam!" both me n samuel turned looking at her. hahaha den we realise dat our name r e "same". as time passes, all of us enjoyed being together. not to forget ppl like sgt toh, always so quiet sit one side when sam n roy r not ard n always keeping quiet when he get "bullied" by zara; sir kk n sir koh, both of dem really took care of e officers = our welfare; mdm hui xin, sir wei wen, hakim, tian le n e 3 cadets..

our HARDWORKING marshallers :)
(SGT Toh, LTA Samuel, LCP Roy)

*to be continued... :) *

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Name: Samantha See
Age: 19 ALREADY!!!
Birthday: 04 Sept
Horoscrope: Virgo
Cheesecake, Tarepanda, Hanging out, Running, Sleeping, Eating, Cooking for people
People telling lies

- to haf a fruit
- to study psychology n be a counsellor or psychologist or social worker one day :)
- to open a cafe or online baking services; put my interest into gd use ;)

("I can do everyth thru him who gives me strength" - Philippians 4:13 ^^")



July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 January 2007

Designed by Juliana
Picture by Morochan

Felicia | Zara | Bro | Shu Hui | marilyn | gwen | peiyi | jennifer | gwen lee | Gwen Lee | hopeWW |Lina | Jacinda | CHEESECAKE
